Copyright Notice

© 2024 Imlouis. All rights reserved.

All images and content displayed on this website are the exclusive property of Imlouis and are protected by international copyright laws. The purchase of images grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the images for personal or commercial purposes, subject to the terms and conditions outlined at the time of purchase.

Usage Restrictions:

No Unauthorised Reproduction: The images may not be reproduced, distributed, or resold in any form, whether digitally or in print, without explicit written permission from Imlouis.


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Attribution: When using the images, appropriate credit must be given to Imlouis unless an agreement specifies otherwise.

Legal Notice:  

Imlouis retains all intellectual property rights for the images. Any unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of the images will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.

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